Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Favourite Scents (BodyShop)

After much trial-and-error, here's the list of my favourite scents combination:

1. Minteva + Zinzibar
2. Amorito + Citrella
3. Altaro + Citrella

They are mostly citrus based, just the way I like it :D

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


I bought a set of frangrances from The Body Shop yesterday, and I think it rekindled my passion for scents and perfume ;)

It allows me to invent my own scent by playing mix-n-match with nine fragrances that come in pretty glass vials.

The 9 scents includes fruity, flowery, citrus, musky and etc. By mixing 2 or more of them, one can get a totally new and different scent.

I've tried citrella and velique today, the combination is quite nice, but a little bit too flowery to my liking.

Here is a pretty good read about Perfume and its history:
The History of Perfumes and Fragrance

I'll continue to experiment till I found my favourite scent!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Tweak for Firefox

Wondering if this would help if page loading is slow in Firefox:

Easy Firefox & Mozilla Tweak

Happy Trying!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Requirement Workshop

In view of my upcoming requirement workshop this friday, I've been reading up and searching for ideas to improve myself on it.

Found this useful article:
Requirement Analysis

Managed to get some interesting insights from it.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

My Pet

My Pet called Chubi

Things that I learned about Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta Splendens):
  1. it's easy to take care of
  2. very good jumpers
  3. build bubblenest when it's happy

Monday, June 13, 2005

Bits and Pieces

I presume that this blog would contain interesting bits and pieces of my daily life.

I would try to post some pics when I can't churn out suitable words.

A warm welcome to you and hope that you would enjoy reading (or simply browsing)!